

Rune has over 30 years of experience in leadership positions. Through his success as a leader he has gained a lot of insights, insights he gladly shares through a series of taileored talks. Find a few examples underneath:

fear of heights

The speech act on the development of each individual person. It lives an enormous potential in each of us - the challenge is how that potential and power can be released. Here, Rune shares his story and experience of how he mastered his own fear of heights. The lecture is an awareness for both managers and employees, an awareness of the inherent power that lies within each of us.

Under my leadership

Management is a 100% responsibility. What happens - always happens Under My Leadership, whether it's positive or negative. The speech aimed directly at the officers, and acts as an awareness of the responsibilities a leader actually gets when he / she accepts such a role.

The 12th player

A lecture about performance culture. Many companies talk about developing a strong performance culture - often without quite knowing what it means and what it entails. Through this lecture you will get a better understanding of the characteristics, and what it takes to develop a strong performance culture, not to mention the consequences of this. Rune tells and shows a number of examples which he himself has been a part of.

Successful retail chain operations

A lecture on effective retail chain development. The presenter has broad experience in retail chain operations, and has for many years had the pleasure to work with some of the very best. The core of all this experience forms the basis for this lecture, which provides concrete and self-experienced experiences - which he know works.
In regards to Sparebanken Hedmark's business division's annual motivation and sales collection, we had Rune Glasø recommended to us, with his lecture "Innovation or Invasion - you choose!". The lecture was engaging and not A4. It brought us into the "reflection room" in a good and entertaining way. Subsequently, participants provided feedback that this was the highlight of the academic agenda! Thanks for an interesting lecture and I can give the best recommendations.